Study ID | 14 |
Study title | Comparative Analyses of Democratic Performances in the Parliaments of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro |
Study language | English |
Institution(s) | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science, Jove Ilića
165, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia (a) University of Sarajevo, Faculty of law, Obala Kulina bana 7, 71000 Sarajevo, Serbia (b) University of Montenegro, Faculty of Political Science, 13.jula 2, 81000 Podgorica (c) |
Authors | Slaviša Orlović (PI) Jelena Lončar Damir Banović Zlatko Vujović |
Disciplines | Political sciences |
Period | 1990-2012 |
Geographical space | Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro |
Abstract | This research project examines the position and influence of parliaments in the political institutional systems of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. Furthermore, it examines a parliament’s competences, control and transparency mechanisms. This research focuses on the in-depth analyses of the parliaments’ functioning followed by recommendations to improve the position and work of parliaments. The main hypothesis of this research project is that the parliaments of these three countries are relatively weak and dominated by governmental influence and private sector interests. The aim of this research project is to strengthen the parliament’s image and function as a main institution of representative democracy. The parliament should be an institution for settling disputes, public deliberation and negotiation, therefore realizing and accepting differences that may arise. |
Results | Performance and internal capacities of the parliaments mostly depend on external stability of the system they act in. In the same time, without autonomy of MPs and dignity of the Parliament, the entire idea of representative democracy becomes senseless, and therefore the meaning of parties and elections. This task is not easy at all, particularly in circumstances when in processes of globalization and shared sovereignties, a part of state and therefore parliamentary power overlaps with the super-state and sub-state institutions, under external and internal imperatives. In order for the parliament to successfully perform its basic duties, it is necessary, that it enjoys full legitimacy and is composed of honourable and prominent persons, as eyes of public are directed onto it as a mirror of power. |
Method description | During the study two main methods were used. The first one is qualitative interviews with MPs and representatives of international organizations in Serbia, BiH and Montenegro. The second method was content analysis which was used in order to research constitutional structure, forms of organization of government, as well as forms of state organization. The issues of electoral system and party system were processed, as they directly influence shaping of parliaments. Also, internal characteristics of parliaments were analyzed, from the number of MPs, number of houses (unicameral, bicameral) and the number of parliamentary committees. In-depth interviews with MPs and representatives of international organizations which hitherto in different projects cooperated with the parliaments of Serbia, BiH and Montenegro were conducted. Content analysis was used in order to research constitutional structure, forms of organization of government, as well as forms of state organization. The issues of electoral system and party system were processed, as they directly influence shaping of parliaments. Also, internal characteristics of parliaments were analyzed, from the number of MPs, number of houses (unicameral, bicameral) and the number of parliamentary committees. In-depth interviews with MPs and representatives of international organizations which hitherto in different projects cooperated with the parliaments of Serbia, BiH and Montenegro were conducted. |
Publications | None |
Secondary analyses | None |
Study type | Mandated research |
Financed by | Mandating institution |
Mandating institution(s) | University of Fribourg, Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe, Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans – RRPP, Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg |
Progress | Finished |
Start – end date | 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012 |
Data type | Qualitative data |
Media | Digitalized documents |
Available document types | Publications (final report, articles) |
Linked to | – |
Remarks | – |
Analysis unit | – |
Mode of data collection | – |
Data collection instruments | – |
Number of cases | – |
Sampling description | – |
Available versions | 1.0 |
Bibliographical citation | Slaviša Orlović, Jelena Lončar, Damir Banović, Zlatko Vujović: Comparative Analyses of Democratic Performances in the Parliaments of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, 2012 (publication). University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro – Faculty of Political Science. Distributed by DASS-BiH, Sarajevo. |
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