General Terms and Conditions of Use
Depositor License Agreement Example
User Declaration Form – For data in non-restricted access category
User Request Form – For data in restricted access category
Workflow procedures (available only internally) – Archiving procedures in DASS-BiH are documented in all stages, starting from ingest to dissemination. In the ingest phase, the SIP is kept as a local copy on the Data archives PC and at the external storage unit if the dataset is provided by data depositor on the external storage unit or at the shared drive or e-mail account if this the case with the data transfer option. After the basic checks are done, the Data Archivist will create the study folder and assign the study ID. The study folder is then kept at the external storage unit, which is regularly backed up and password protected. The content of the study folder includes, but is not limited to: dataset, metadata file, depositor licence agreement, study description, brief check logs, codebooks, publications (if available). The DIP is created based on the access category, contacting at least metadata file and study description.